Hybrid Hit– This is a good method for tasting the juice as well as getting a substantial hit. It involves drawing vapor into the mouth then partway through, with your mod still firing, allow some air in through your lips and inhale deep into the lungs. It’s basically MTL followed by a DLI.

Snap Inhale– This method goes by a number of names, such as Ghost or Mushroom Cloud. You let vapor build in the mouth, exhale it a little bit and then quickly suck the ball of vapor back into your lungs. You essentially get two hits from one draw, the first direct hit and another from inhaling the cloud back in. It’s not easy to master but looks impressive.

French Inhale– This involves drawing vapor into the mouth and slowly releasing a dense cloud up to be inhaled through the nose. Also known as the Irish Waterfall, this is more of a trick than a common style of vaping.


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