As the vaping becomes increasingly popular, we may wonder whether it is healthier or does greater harm to the human body compared with smoking? And with more attention paid to the health problem, we may consider the harm of the second-hand vapor. So, we must know more about vaping so that we can make the right decision.

Vaping has many merits that can attract a lot of people to start vaping. First, vaping can help heavy smokers to quit smoking to some degrees. Some chemicals contained in cigarettes will make some people addicted to smoking. With different principles of e-cigs, it can reduce your addiction to smoking. However, it depends on your own determination if you want to quit smoking. Second, vaping can help you to recover your health gradually for you can choose the e-juice that contains lower or no nicotine. Obviously, nicotine is very harmful for health and it may cause the lung cancer. E-cigs that don’t contain any nicotine can reduce this possibility. At last, vaping can bring you more variable choices. Some people may feel bitter when they are smoking. But for e-cigs, you can choose different flavors of e-liquids like the fruit flavor, dessert flavor etc. All of these flavors will bring you a better experience. Since we can choose the non-nicotine e-cigs, we can know that the second-hand vapor will be less harmful than smoke produced by smoking. And some evidences have shown that vaping is also suitable for the pregnant woman if she cannot control her addition.

From the perspective of health, we can know that vaping is better than smoking. If you want to improve your health condition, you can consider about choosing the e-cig as an alternative.

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